Material Flow

Material Flow (FY2023)

INPUT Energy consumption in factories and offices 111,305 MWh Power 96,298 megawatt hour Gas 989,221 cubic meter Heavy oil 198 kiloliter Gasoline 41 kiloliter Diesel fuel 12 kiloliter Water usage 242,129 cubic meter Raw materials (iron, aluminum, etc.) 2,649 tons Packing materials (cardboard, etc.) 800 tons Supply Chain Research and development Material procurement Production Packaging, logistics, sales Product use Recycling OUTPUT GHG emissions from factories and offices Scope 1 + Scope 2 20,473 t-CO2e Scope 1 3,449 t-CO2e:Direct GHG emissions by the operator Scope 2 17,024 t-CO2:Indirect GHG emissions from electricity, heat, or steam supplied by other companies GHG emissions from the supply chain Scope 3 3,038,310 t-CO2 Category 1 966,741 t-CO2:Purchased goods and services Category 2 57,714 t-CO2:Capital goods Category 3 7,223 t-CO2:Fuel and energy activities not included in Scope 1 and 2 Category 4 10,340 t-CO2:Upstream transportation and distribution Category 5 143 t-CO2:Waste generated in operations Category 6 928 t-CO2:Business travel Category 7 2,369 t-CO2:Employee commuting Category 8 1,005 t-CO2:Upstream leased assets Category 9 468 t-CO2:Downstream transportation and distribution Category 10 Not applicable:Processing of sold products Category 11 1,991,307 t-CO2:Use of sold products Category 12 70 t-CO2:End of life treatment of sold products Category 13 Not applicable:Downstream leased assets Category 14 Not applicable:Franchises Category 15 Not applicable:Investments Amount of waste generated 1,352 tons Recycling rate 84.5 % Amount of water discharged 112,769 cubic meter