Approach to and Methods for Environmental Data Collection

Targets and period of environmental data collection

Environmental data (Excel file) is available in ESG-Related Information.

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Period April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024
Targets Advantest Corporation and its major domestic/overseas consolidated subsidiaries
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Item Region 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Aggregation range
(Those in Japan includes including
affiliated companies)
Japan 8 bases 7 bases 7 bases 7 bases 7 bases 7 bases
Overseas Major overseas affiliates 9 companies
Employee coverage Global 85.6% 79.6% 86.5%

Approach and methods for GHG-related data collection

Quantity of GHG emissions from business facilities

Calculations are based on usage of electricity, heat, and fuel at business facilities, and usage of GHGs (for manufacturing processes, equipment, etc.)

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CO2 emissions (from energy)
accompanying the use of energy
Calculations are performed by multiplying the usage amount of electricity, heat, and fuel (including fuel for vehicles, etc.) at each business facility against the CO2 emission factors.
When using renewable energy (including certificates), the CO2 emission factors is set to zero.
GHG emissions from PFCs, etc.
(with a non-energy origin)
Calculations are performed by multiplying the GHG emissions at each business facility against global warming potential values to convert into quantities of CO2.

Referenced guidelines as well as energy and fuel CO2 emission factors and heat conversion coefficient

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Japan Ministry of the Environment, "Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the Supply Chain"
Ministry of the Environment, "Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions—List of Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients within the Calculation/Reporting/Disclosure System"
Overseas Based on the emission factors announced by each electric company and government authorities of each country as well as those by country announced in IEA Emissions Factors, which was issued by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Quantity of CO2 emissions from purchased products and services ≪Scope 3, Category 1≫

The quantity of CO2 emissions from products and services purchased by Advantest is calculated by multiplying the corresponding primary unit in the "Global Embodied Energy and Emission Intensity based on the Standard Purchaser Price" (issued by the National Institute for Environmental Studies) per purchased item.
For items for which we are unable to separate transportation costs from the purchase prices, the quantity of emissions including transportation is not tallied under Category 4 "CO2 emissions during transport from primary suppliers to our company," but such emissions are included in Category 1 emissions for calculation.

Quantity of CO2 emissions during product usage ≪Scope3, Category 11≫

The amount of CO2 emissions during product usage is calculated by multiplying the emissions coefficients from the World category in "IEA Emissions Factors" against the lifetime electricity consumption of products on the market this fiscal year. The amount of CO2 emissions during product use is calculated according to the following formula.

Numbers of units sold × Electricity consumption at operation × Annual hours of operation × Years used × CO2 emissions coefficient

Among the semiconductor testing devices sold by the Advantest Group, CO2 emissions calculations are for the SoC test systems and memory test systems.
The lifetime electricity consumption quantity assumes each product is used for 10 years, and calculations are performed by multiplying the amount of electricity consumed based on the product specification calculations for the target system against the number of units sold for the relevant product.

Scope3 calculation summary

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Category classification Calculation summary
Category1 Purchased goods and services The quantity of emissions of some datacenter usage, along with emissions from the resource collection stage up to the manufacturing stage for raw materials/components sold by the Advantest Group and its purchased items
Category2 Capital goods Emissions from manufacturing facilities, etc. in which the Advantest Group has invested
Category3 Fuel- and energy-related activities
(not included in scope 1 or scope 2)
Emissions accompanying the procurement of fuel and energy used at Advantest Group business facilities
Category4 Upstream transportation and distribution Emissions accompanying the transport of procured components and purchased products by the Advantest Group, and those accompanying the storage of such products
Category5 Waste generated in operations Emissions accompanying the treatment of waste generated at business facilities of the Advantest Group
Category6 Business travel Emissions due to business trips made by Advantest Group employees
Category7 Employee commuting Emissions due to commuting by Advantest Group employees
Category8 Upstream leased assets Emissions accompanying leased assets of the Advantest Group
* Excludes those calculated under Scope 2
Category9 Downstream transportation and distribution Emissions accompanying the transport of products sold by the Advantest Group
Category10 Processing of sold products (N/A)
Category11 Use of sold products Emissions accompanying electricity consumption due to use of Advantest Group products in customer businesses
Category12 End-of-life treatment of sold products Emissions accompanying the disposal of products sold by the Advantest Group
Category13 Downstream leased assets (N/A)
Category14 Franchises (N/A)
Category15 Investments (N/A)

Approach to and methods for data collection related to resources

Quantity of waste generated

The total weight of industrial waste and general waste generated from business facilities.
The amount of waste generated in Japan is tabulated and disclosed as weight including valuable materials.

Quantity of water used and discharged

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Quantity of water used The quantity of water used at business facilities (drinking water, industrial water, and groundwater). The purchased quantity is substituted for drinking water and industrial water.
Quantity of water discharged The quantity of water generated at business facilities discharged to sewage and public waters. For business facilities for which the amount of water discharged cannot be readily determined, the amount of water used is considered to be the amount of water discharged.

Approach to and methods for data collection for other environmental data

Management of chemical substances

To ensure safe management of and compliance with laws and regulations on chemical substances, we implement registration, safety reviews, and control per bottle/package unit for chemical substances used in-house. Furthermore, SDSs, which are the foundation of chemical substance handling, are always available for viewing.

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Quantity of chemical substances handled The quantity of chemical substances purchased and used at each business facility is monitored and calculated.
Quantity of chemical substances emissions/transfers The quantity of chemical substances emitted/transferred due to operations is calculated by multiplying the handled amount by coefficients.

Quantity of water pollutant discharge (BOD, COD)

The quantity is calculated by multiplying the discharged water concentration by the discharged quantity. This applies to business facilities with legal or other requirements (such as contracts).

Quantity of air pollutant emissions (NOx, SOx)

The quantity is calculated by multiplying the exhaust concentration by the exhaust quantity. This applies to business facilities with legal or other requirements (such as contracts).
