Mitigation of Climate Change (Prevention of Global Warming)

We will strive to reduce GHG emissions by providing green products and innovating in our business processes in order to fulfill our corporate mission to control global warming as per the Sustainability Policy. Having declared support for the TCFD Recommendations, we will proactively continue to clarify risks and opportunities associated with climate change and implement information disclosure.

Approach to Climate Change

Based on "The Advantest Way," Advantest continuously engages in long-term initiatives to alleviate and adapt to climate change in order to contribute to tackling important social challenges related to environmental issues.
For disclosures related to climate change based on the TCFD Recommendations, please refer to "Risk Management" on the "Governance" page.

International initiatives and Advantest’s efforts on climate change

As a mid/long-term climate change countermeasures target, Advantest has set a goal to reach net-zero Scope 1+2 GHG emissions by FY2050. In addition, we have set targets to reduce Scope 1+2 GHG emissions by 65% by FY2026 compared to FY2018.
Furthermore, Advantest has established Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction targets for FY 2030. However, in light of changes in the business environment, we are currently reviewing our Scope 3 targets and considering specific measures to achieve these targets.

Can be swiped left or right.
Name of institution Advantest’s efforts
The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
As part of our efforts to ensure information disclosure, we analyze the impacts of climate change on business continuity as well as management risks and opportunities associated with laws and regulations based on the temperature increase scenarios outlined by the IPCC.
Science-based Targets Initiative
We formulate CO2 emissions reduction goals based on scientific insights and implement relevant measures as we work to achieve the goal of limiting temperature increases adopted in the Paris Agreement. In November 2021, Advantest obtained certification from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which recognized that Advantest's greenhouse gas reduction goals will contribute to achieving the target.(Scope1,2:1.5-degrees Celsius、Scope3:2-degrees Celsius)
For the latest information on Scope 1, 2, and 3, please refer to "Environmental efforts on our products (Initiatives to Address Supply Chain Emissions)".
Renewable Energy 100%
We formulate and implement plans for transitioning to renewable energy sources for the electricity consumed upstream and downstream in our business operations and in our supply chain.
Carbon Disclosure Project
We proactively disclose information on initiatives for risks associated with climate change, such as the TCFD Recommendations, SBTi, and RE100. In the Climate Change Report 2023, Advantest received a score of B and was selected as the highest-rated Supplier Engagement Leaderboard in the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC is an intergovernmental organization established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). With the contributions of scientists from all over the world, it regularly produces reports and provides evaluations of the latest scientific findings on climate change. Advantest also leverages these evaluation reports and scenarios published by the IPCC as a basis for analysis of physical and transition risks.
The Paris Agreement (COP21) An international agreement adopted in 2015 with the goal of limiting the global average increase in temperature to 1.5-degrees Celsius, a level that is well below 2-degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

Initiatives Through Industry Groups

Japan Climate Initiative

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network of non-state actors who make serious efforts towards the 1.5-degrees Celsius target and the realization of a decarbonized society.
Advantest supports the declaration of the JCI, "Joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan," and participated in the initiative to support the transition to a decarbonized society by 2050.
We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by voluntarily and proactively taking actions on climate change and by working together with local governments and private companies, which are actively engaged in climate change countermeasures.

Semiconductor Climate Consortium

The Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC) is a consortium established by the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) to speed industry value chain efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the semiconductor ecosystem. Advantest joined the SCC, as one of the founding members, bolstering climate change measures along with member companies to achieve the 1.5-degrees Celsius target.

Semiconductor Climate Consortium Founding Member

Environmental Management

Advantest has formulated the Sustainability Action Plan 2024-2026 to aim for the sustainability of the company and society through the enhancement of sustainability initiatives. The action plan's specific targets and indicator settings are based on international standards, such as those for climate change countermeasures. The results are reported to and discussed with the Sustainable Management Promotion Working Group twice a year. The Working Group will then report them to the Executive Management Committee and the Board of Directors in accordance with the Sustainability Policy, and discussed as part of our sustainability strategy. We use the ISO14001 management system as a tool to track our progress toward these goals.

For more information on international standards for climate change countermeasures, please refer to "Approach to Climate Change".

Sustainability Promotion Structure The Sustainable Management Promotion Working Group was established under the Management Committee, and the overall leader is Group CEO. Under the Working Group, a Global Lead by Executive Officers was established. The CSO is responsible for the environment, the CHO is responsible for society, and the Group COO is responsible for governance. The ISO14001 management program is used as the basis for the commitment to our goals.

Acquisition of ISO14001 Certification

The Advantest Group has acquired the integrated ISO14001 certification for its offices, as well as its research, development, and production facilities in Japan. The Group has acquired ISO14001:2015 certification for its environmental management system, which is based on relevant laws and regulations in each country where it operates. Under the uniform standards provided by ISO14001:2015, we are promoting initiatives to reduce energy use, control waste generation, develop and provide environmentally friendly products (green products), and reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.

ISO14001 as an important management tool that serves as a driving axis for our sustainability initiatives and a cycle for checking its progress. We intend to maximize its use as an international standard that can be widely utilized in Japan and our overseas locations.

Acquisition of ISO14001 certification

As of June 28, 2024

Can be swiped left or right.
Company (Base) First acquisition of ISO14001 certification
ADVANTEST CORPORATION (Including business affiliates) 1998/4
Head Office  
Sendai Laboratory
Gunma R&D Center
Saitama R&D Center
Kitakyushu R&D Center
Gunma Factory
Advantest America, Inc. 2008/10
San Jose, U.S.A.  
Advantest Test Solutions, Inc.
Lake Forest, U.S.A.
Advantest Europe GmbH 2008/4
Munich, Germany  
Amerang, Germany
Boeblingen, Germany
Advantest (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 2008/6
Advantest (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Penang - Malaysia) 2008/9
Advantest Korea Co., Ltd. 2008/7
Advantest Taiwan Inc. 2006/12
Advantest (China) Co., Ltd. 2008/5
Shanghai, China  
Beijing, China
Xi'an, China
Advantest (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Suzhou, China
Shanghai, China
Bureau Veritas Certification (copy)

Advantest Corporation ISO14001 certifications scope

As of June 28, 2024

Can be swiped left or right.
Applicable standards ISO14001:2015
Certification number 15841998
Certification scope Research, development, design, manufacture and services of semiconductor and component test systems and mechatronics systems
Certifying body Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS
Date of first certification April 21, 1998
Date of integrated certification Integrated as Advantest Group as of December 8, 2000.
Applicable business locations Head Office, Sendai Laboratory, Gunma R&D Center, Saitama R&D Center, Kitakyushu R&D Center, Gunma Factory
(Including each business affiliate)

Addition of S (Society) and G (Governance) targets to ISO14001 Management Targets

At the ESG Global Meeting, a measure to achieve the ESG Action Plan (at that time) using the ISO14001 Management Program mechanism was proposed, given that ISO14001 is an existing mechanism involving the PDCA cycle and has already been in operation at major sites. We decided to expand the scope of management not only for E (Environment) but also to S (Society) and G (Governance). Taking this opportunity, the scope of management by ISO14001 has expanded to the U.S. and in Japan in FY2023. We will make maximum use of ISO14001 management targets to enhance our sustainability initiatives.

  • *
    S and G targets are not subject to ISO14001:2015 certification audit.

Adoption of ISO14001in the U.S.

America, Inc. (AAI) updated its ISO14001 program and integrated it into its ESG program. At the same time, AAI expanded the scope of application of ISO14001 to all its manufacturing locations, and these locations have launched environmental initiatives.

Adoption of ISO14001 in Japan

In expanding the scope of ISO14001management program to ESG, we have devised a method for setting our goals. While environmental target themes are attributed to "Significant Environmental Aspects," S and G target themes are attributed to higher-level targets.
We have also improved the process so that the ESG action plan (at that time) at the corporate level is firmly incorporated into unit strategies at the unit level and management programs at the division level.

Specifically, a joint briefing session was held with outside experts, followed by a goal-setting meeting with each department. The external experts and the ESG leader of the Sustainable Management Working Group (SMWG) also attended the meeting to review and discuss the targets, and the meeting, which had become a mere formality, was transformed into a forum for communication. As a result, in FY2024, 70% of all ESG management program departmental targets were attributed to higher-level targets.

Examples of Targets and their Attributed Strategies

Can be swiped left or right.
Sustainability Action Plan Unit ESG Strategy ESG Management Program
E GHG emissions reduction as covered in Scopes 1 and 2 Low power consumption design Promote green design so that environmental assessment results for new products are at least 90 points above the eco-label standard
S Fostering and instilling an attractive corporate culture Revitalization of communication Hold an exchange meeting with other departments once a quarter
G Strengthening internal control Compliance for product safety Blend the requirements of regulations/laws of each country into the design and achieve zero violations per year

Environmental Policy Based on ISO14001 Standard Requirements

Advantest has established our environmental policies as an entire group and promotes environmental conservation in view of realizing a sustainable society. Based on the Sustainability Policy, Advantest continuously makes efforts to set long-term goals for environmental priority issues through our business. We have clarified KPIs for the three-year period of our third mid-term management plan (MTP3) (2024 to 2026), with the goal of contributing to the climate change mitigation and a decarbonized society.

Please refer to "Materiality and ESG Action Plan" and "Our Activities" for the Sustainability Action Plan (formerly ESG Action Plan) and fiscal 2023 results, respectively.

Environmental policies of the Advantest Group

The Advantest Group contributes to the sustainable development of society through our business activities.
Moreover, we are committed to protecting the environment through climate change countermeasures, preservation of biological diversity, etc. as well as ensuring sustainable use of energy, water resources, etc. All our employees actively engage in the following environmental conservation activities so that our company can earn the trust of society.

  1. 1.
    Promoting Environmental Management
    By maintaining our environmental management system, we promote global environmental conservation efforts that achieve a balance between business activities and environmental concerns.
  2. 2.
    Reduction of Customers' Environmental Burden
    We promote energy conservation, improved recyclability, and the elimination of hazardous substances to provide environmentally friendly products and services that contribute to our customers' reduction of their environmental burdens while considering the life cycle of our products from material procurement to waste disposal.
  3. 3.
    Better Workplace Procedures
    We reform work procedures to continually improve our environmental performance by creating environmentally friendly products.
  4. 4.
    Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Resources
    By being alert to the environmental impact of our business activities, we strive to protect the environment from measures against climate change to the conservation of biodiversity, as well as sustainable use of resources such as energy and water.
  5. 5.
    Complying with Environmental Laws and Regulations and Preventing
    Pollution Upholding all environmental laws and regulations and voluntary standards, we protect nature and shield our neighbors from environmental pollution and health hazards caused by chemical substances, waste and other contaminations.

Revision of the Environmental Policy

The Group CEO shows his firm commitment to the Advantest Group Environmental Policy.
In addition, the policy is reviewed when any of the following events occur, and in principle, the details of the changes are deliberated and decided by the Executive Management Committee before being disclosed internally and externally.

  • When there is a significant change in the environmental impact of our products, activities, or services
  • When the ISO 14001 standard is revised and differences from the requirements of the standard arise
  • When there is a change of the Group CEO

Environmental Education (ESG Education)

In Advantest, education is being addressed within the larger framework of ESG promotion as well as the environment since 2022. In FY2023, it became one component of the Global Compliance Education Program (GCEP), which is a basic education program common to all Group companies.
For details of GCEP, please refer to "Compliance Education".

Basic Stance on ESG Education

The Advantest Group believes that it is essential for our employees to understand ESG issues in view of realizing a sustainable society. We promote global awareness-raising activities while holding the following two matters in mind.

  1. 1.
    Each and every employee needs to always feel that ESG is an issue close to their heart; and
  2. 2.
    Think about what they can and should do both at work and in the home, and transform these ideas into action.

The Advantest Group addresses "1" not only by providing environmental education but also in terms of ESG education in general and "2" by using our in-house social networking platform, "My LIFE. ON.", to provide a place for sharing individual employees' efforts.

Major Environmental Education Programs

We use the ISO14001 standard to promote our efforts to reduce the environmental impact. For details on ISO14001, please refer to "Environmental Management".

Can be swiped left or right.
Program name Educational Contents
Training for new employees Education for new employees on the Advantest Group’s approach to ESG
ESG Education Understanding of "sustainability through promotion of ESG" as stipulated in the Second Mid-Term Management Plan as a basic education that should be understood by the entire Advantest Group, and the Advantest Group's environmental policy, as well as general ISO14001 environmental education
General ISO14001 environmental education Country-specific education as part of ISO14001 general environmental education
Management of chemical substances Education on the handling and safety management of chemical substances
Capability training for specific tasks Education to maintain and improve the skills that are needed by those engaged in specific tasks such as energy management, pollution control and waste management

ESG Education (e-learning)

ESG educational materials are created in video format and are available in 16 languages. The video provides a basic understanding of ESG and sustainability initiatives in an easy-to-understand manner using animations and voice-over, allowing employees to understand ESG and experience a hands-on fun learning. We achieved 99.7% attendance rate in FY2023.

ESG Education Video
Environment Includes general environmental education as an element of ISO14001, and covers the five activities based on the Advantest Group's environmental policy. We also promote environmental awareness through understanding of the SDGs and global warming.
Society Explains Advantest's relationship with various stakeholders, as well as diversity and social issues in the entire supply chain.
Governance Risk management and compliance adherence are also covered in this area, explaining how addressing ESG as a company enhances corporate value from a long-term perspective.

Participation in General Environmental Education for fiscal 2023

Target employees Number of participants Participation ratio (%)
Japan 2,805 2,791 99.5
Overseas 4,079 4,073 99.9
Overall 6,884 6,864 99.7

Other ESG Educational Activities

Usage of The Interactive Digital Globe

We purchased an interactive digital globe, that reflects real-time Earth data, and installed it in our Gunma R&D Center, our research and development base. This tool, which allows us to learn about global temperature changes and the past, present, and future of the Earth, is used to promote environmental education on a global scale.
For details, please refer to "Developing the Next Generation" under "Examples of Social Contribution Activities".

Interactive digital globe

Online Earth Day Event in 2024

In the U.S., we hosted an online Earth Day event for our employees, as we did last year. The event provided a good opportunity for many employees to raise their awareness of environmental conservation, with the Marine Mammal Center, an NGO which rescues, researches, and conserves marine animals, introducing ocean conservation through marine animal rehabilitation, and the SEMI Climate Consortium explaining the semiconductor industry's environmental initiatives.

Speakers at online event

World Environment Day and World Oceans Day Commemorative Events

Employees in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand jointly held an online discussion on ESG in July 2023 to commemorate World Environment Day and World Oceans Day. Approximately 160 employees participated in the event, enjoying a quiz and learning more about the environment and oceans. Participants also contributed to removing plastic pollution by challenging themselves to live plastic-free for a week.

Employees who participated in the plastic free challenge

Global Educational Activities on Our Internal Social Networking Platform "My LIFE. ON."

The Advantest Group runs an internal social networking platform, "My LIFE. ON.". This social networking platform enables our employees to enjoy contributing to the SDGs by posting activities that are beneficial for people, the environment, and society and "liking" and commenting on each other's posts to demonstrate their support for such activities.

Establishment of a Global Promotion System

The Advantest Group has built a global system to encourage employee participation. Together with SDG promotion members at eight global locations, many employees use the in-house SNS as a place to introduce and share their activities in the community.

Enviromental management structure. The Board of Directors advises on the report of theExecutive  Management Committee, and the Executive Management Committee approves the report of the Sustainable Management Promotion WG. The Sustainable Management Promotion WG and the Sustainability Promotion Office provide support for each other. The Sustainable Management Promotion WG submits plans to each division, and each division reports to the Sustainable Management Promotion WG.

In fiscal 2023, employees worldwide continued to implement a variety of social contribution activities and shared them on My LIFE.ON. In Japan, "Aim for Zero Garbage!" My LIFE.ON. posting event was held to commemorate the Environment Month in June. Employees posted many unique ideas for reducing waste, such as "I used reusable tableware" and "I bring my own bottle to work".

Post on the use of reusable tableware

We also received many posts from our employees in China about their contributions for forest conservation. Japanese employees post in Japanese, while Chinese employees post in English and/or Chinese. My LIFE.ON. is a unique global exchange platform, which enables us to share information about our contribution activities in multiple languages.

Post submitted in Chinese by an employee in China

Besides the above, other active contributions to society, such as one by an employee who participated in a hair donation program, donating her two-year long hair to help provide medical wigs to children experiencing hair loss due to illness, and another by an employee who achieved 100 blood donations, and receiving a commemorative gift from the Japanese Red Cross Society for his proud 100th milestone, were well received.

Submitted post regarding the 100th blood donation
Submitted post regarding the hair donation program