- FY2024
- FY2023
- FY2022
- FY2021
- FY2020
- FY2019
- FY2018
- FY2017
- FY2016
- FY2015
- FY2014
- FY2013
- FY2012
- FY2011
- FY2010
- FY2009
- FY2008
3rd Quarter January 29, 2025
*1Disclaimer: The videos are distributed in Japanese and in English. Interpreted audio is provided for the convenience of investors. In the event of any discrepancies between the original audio and the interpreted audio, the original audio takes precedence.
*2Webcast will be available until January 28, 2026.
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer, Group CEO
Douglas Lefever
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer and President, Group COO
Koichi Tsukui
Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
2nd Quarter October 30, 2024
*1Disclaimer: The videos are distributed in Japanese and in English. Interpreted audio is provided for the convenience of investors. In the event of any discrepancies between the original audio and the interpreted audio, the original audio takes precedence.
*2Webcast will be available until October 29, 2025.
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer, Group CEO
Douglas Lefever
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer and President, Group COO
Koichi Tsukui
Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
1st QuarterJuly 31, 2024
*1Disclaimer: The videos are distributed in Japanese and in English. Interpreted audio is provided for the convenience of investors. In the event of any discrepancies between the original audio and the interpreted audio, the original audio takes precedence.
*2Webcast will be available until July 30, 2025.
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer, Group CEO
Douglas Lefever
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer and President, Group COO
Koichi Tsukui
Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
Full Year April 26, 2024
Webcast(*1, *2)
*1Disclaimer: The videos are distributed in Japanese and in English. Interpreted audio is provided for the convenience of investors. In the event of any discrepancies between the original audio and the interpreted audio, the original audio takes precedence.
*2Webcast will be available until April 25, 2025.
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer, Group CEO
Douglas Lefever
Representative Director, Senior Executive Officer and President, Group COO
Koichi Tsukui
Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
3rd Quarter January 31, 2024
Representative Director, President, Group CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Representative Director, Corporate Vice President, Group COO
Douglas Lefever
Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
2nd Quarter October 31, 2023
Representative Director, President, Group CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Representative Director, Corporate Vice President, Group COO
Douglas Lefever
Senior Executive Officer, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
1st Quarter July 26, 2023
*1Disclaimer: The videos are distributed in Japanese and in English. Interpreted audio is provided for the convenience of investors. In the event of any discrepancies between the original audio and the interpreted audio, the original audio takes precedence.
*2Webcast will be available until July 25, 2024.
Representative Director, President, Group CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Senior Executive Officer, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) & CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Makoto Nakahara
Full Year April 26, 2023
Representative Director, President & Group CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
3rd Quarter January 31, 2023
Representative Director, President & Group CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
2nd Quarter October 27, 2022
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
1st Quarter & Second Mid-Term Management Plan Update July 28, 2022
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Full Year April 27, 2022
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO & CSRO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
3rd Quarter January 27, 2022
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO & CSRO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
2nd Quarter October 28, 2021
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO & CSRO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
1st Quarter July 28, 2021
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Senior Executive Officer, CFO & CCO (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Senior Executive Officer, CCRO (Chief Customer Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Senior Executive Officer, Co-CSO & CSRO (Co-Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer), Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Full Year April 27, 2021
*April 28, 2021: Partial amendment of the FY2020 Financial Briefing
This is due to an incorrect number, which requires the necessary amendment as shown below.
Amended Part
Page 8FY20 4Q Summary of Result
BacklogFY20 Year-over-yeargrowth rate
【Before revision】+15.6%【After revision】+19.6%
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
3rd Quarter January 28, 2021
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
2nd Quarter October 29, 2020
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Stakeholder Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
1st Quarter July 30, 2020
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Full Year April 24, 2020
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
3rd Quarter January 29, 2020
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
2nd Quarter October 30, 2019
*November 1, 2019 Update
The explanation of "test cost" contained in the Q&A has given rise to misleading impressions. We have therefore expanded and revised the explanation to avoid misunderstandings.
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
1st Quarter July 24, 2019
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Managing Executive Officer (CFO), Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Kimiya Sakamoto
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Yasuo Mihashi
Full Year April 25, 2019
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Corporate Vice President, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Sae Bum Myung
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Satoru Nagumo
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
3rd Quarter January 30, 2019
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Corporate Vice President, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Sae Bum Myung
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Satoru Nagumo
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
2nd Quarter October 30, 2018
Representative Director, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Yoshida
Director, Corporate Vice President, Executive Vice President, Sales Group
Sae Bum Myung
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations Group
Satoru Nagumo
Managing Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Administration Group
Atsushi Fujita
1st Quarter July 25, 2018
3rd Quarter January 30, 2018
2nd Quarter October 25, 2017
1st Quarter (July 27, 2016) |
2nd Quarter (October 26, 2016) |
3rd Quarter (January 26, 2017) |
Consolidated (April 27, 2017) |
Financial Results |
Presentation Materials |
1st Quarter (July 28, 2015) |
2nd Quarter (October 26, 2015) |
3rd Quarter (January 27, 2016) |
Consolidated (April 27, 2016) |
Financial Results |
Presentation Materials |
1st Quarter (July 24, 2014) |
2nd Quarter (October 28, 2014) |
3rd Quarter (January 29, 2015) |
Consolidated (April 27, 2015) |
Financial Results |
Presentation Materials |
1st Quarter (July 25, 2013) |
2nd Quarter (October 29, 2013) |
3rd Quarter (January 28, 2014) |
Consolidated * (April 24, 2014) |
Financial Results |
Presentation Materials |
*Some figures have been subsequently amended on May 28, 2014. Pdf above includes both before and after the correction.
Press Conference Presentation at SEMICON West 2011 (July 12, 2011)
FY2008 Guidance & Structural Reforms (February 25, 2009)