Business Continuity Initiatives

This page introduces the measures taken by the Risk Management Group in dealing with disasters and incidents.
Please refer to Procurement Policy and its Stance for information on our efforts to address parts procurement risks.

Systems for Disasters and Other Emergency Situations (Risk Management Group)

Advantest established the Risk Management Group, wherein the Group COO assumes the position of general manager. In the event any of the following crises occurs, the Risk Management Group will centralize collection of information, conduct an initial assessment, direct the initial response, implement planning for recovery, etc., by acting promptly and appropriately until recovery is complete:

  1. 1.
    If damage is caused to buildings or facilities, or if networks and systems stop functioning, thereby making it difficult to continue our business operations, or if there is the possibility of this type of situation occurring due to a disaster or accident;
  2. 2.
    If our executives or employees are in danger or possibility of danger of death or bodily injury due to a disaster or accident;
  3. 3.
    If there is a scandal or incident that may to become a matter of public concern; or,
  4. 4.
    In addition to those described above, if there is any event, which may cause a significant impact on the business of the Advantest Group due to a disaster or accident.

Business Continuity Plan

The Advantest Group established the following basic policy in fiscal 2007 for large-scale natural disasters. We have devised our business continuity plan based on this policy.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) – Basic Policy

  • We will place top priority on ensuring human safety should a major disaster strike.
  • We will minimize the adverse effect to our suppliers and other stakeholders, and fulfill our corporate responsibility.
  • We will cooperate with local society in regular disaster prevention activities, and will assist the recovery of local society in case of disaster.

Determining specific measures for BCP

After the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, we reviewed our disaster prevention arrangements. In fiscal 2012, we rebuild our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to take into account the possibility of an earthquake in Tokyo and flood along the Tone River, and to ensure the integrity of our supply system even in the event of such disasters. Under the BCP, the following measures are stipulated in line with the basic policy.

Basic Policy Specific Measures
1. Ensuring human safety In addition to the regular disaster prevention and safety confirmation drills, we will strengthen crisis management and business continuity systems, making human safety the top priority.
2. Fulfillment of supply responsibilities In case of an earthquake, we will continue to supply systems from our main manufacturing plant (i.e. the Gunma Factory) . In the case of a flood, we will continue to supply systems from alternative 3rd party manufacturing sites.
In preparation for cases where workplace attendance is temporarily impractical because of damage to offices or infrastructure, we will establish remote work environment.
3. Contributions to local society Our Gunma R&D Center has been designated by Meiwa Town as an evacuation shelter in case of flooding, and we contribute to the area by keeping the site ready for flood evacuees.

Measures Implemented in Fiscal 2023

In April 2022, we began a project to rebuild the BCP for the entire Advantest Group. We identified series of responses to incidents that may affect our business, from initial response to the continuation of the supply system for products and services as Business Continuity Management (BCM). In fiscal 2022-2023, we proceeded with the reconstruction of BCM at our major domestic business sites, dividing it into three phases: (1) initial response (ERP*), (2) review and directed by the head office and local task forces (CMP*), and (3) business continuity/restoration (BCP). The conventional BCP was limited to earthquakes and floods, but we also created an all-hazards BCP, i.e., BCP that is not limited to any particular event, referring to international standards (ISO 22301, etc.). We also worked to develop department-specific BCPs that stipulate measures for the continuation of operations and early recovery in each department, as well as a response plan that assumes the loss of functions (infrastructure) necessary for the continued operation of the business site. Based on the new BCP, drills were conducted at major business sites. In fiscal 2024, we will expand the newly reconstructed plan to other business sites in Japan and major overseas sites.

  • *
    ERP: Emergency Response Plan
  • *
    CMP: Crisis Management Plan

Disaster Responses

May 2023 Noto region of Ishikawa Earthquake: All companies in Japan carried out safety confirmation.
January 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake: All companies in Japan carried out safety confirmation.