The Mid-Term Management Plan is an initiative to achieve our Grand Design and to continue sustainable growth thereafter. In order to contribute to a sustainable future through our business, we made the four strategies in the third Mid-Term Management Plan, which began in fiscal 2024.
One of the four strategies is "Enhance Sustainability". To promote this, we have set up the Sustainability Policy and formulated the Sustainability Action Plan 2024-2026 as the overall picture of our med-term sustainability initiatives and their respective medium-term targets from 2024 onwards in line with this policy.
In developing a new medium-term sustainability action plan, we have completely reorganised the themes to be addressed to be linked to the Grand Design and the third Med-Term Management Plan (MTP3), from the perspective of increasing the value provided to stakeholders, and have set new medium-term targets for each of these themes. New medium-term targets have been set for each of these themes. In conjunction with this, the name of the plan was changed to better reflect the content and scope of future initiatives. We are currently identifying materiality for the entire Advantest Group in line with the priority themes in the new Sustainability Action Plan 2024-2026.
The Sustainability Reort describes the new Sustainability Action Plan 2024-2026 and reports on the results of our sustainability initiatives to date, based on the ESG Action Plan 2021-2023.
Sustainability Action Plan 2024-2026
*1List of Executive in charge is described in the Securities Report under "Item4 Status of the Company 4. Corporate Governance (2) Directors 1) List of Directors,"
*2The non-consolidated Female manager ratio and Differences in Wages between Male and Female Workers are described in “ Item 1. Company Overview 5. Status of Employee.”
*3Advantest's qualification system is a 10-level system which is globally standardized, with Level 6 being the highest level of qualification for general employees."
*4A group-wide survey is conducted every three years.
*5This award system honors employees who embody INTEGRITY through nominations from other employees.
*6As the White 500 is a certification system in Japan, the Company and its subsidiaries in Japan are subject to certification.
*7Tier 1 suppliers, which represent the top 85% of suppliers in terms of transaction value, and Tier 2 suppliers, which are the main suppliers of the Tier 1 suppliers, are subject to due diligence. These suppliers are defined as designated business partners.
*8The top 85% of suppliers by transaction value are defined as main business partners.