Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We believe that it is essential for a diverse workforce to be able to play an active role in order for a company to grow sustainably. We respect the diversity of our employees, support flexible working styles, and treat them fairly, striving to create an environment where employees can work in their own way and find fulfillment. . Additionally, we are working to protect and respect the human rights of all people involved in our business.

Employment Data

Advantest Group has formulated a basic policy to promise that it respects the human rights of individual employees, eliminate discrimination based on race, gender, age, nationality, religion, social status, disability, disease, sexual orientation, and so on. Advantest is also eliminating discrimination in employment and promotion and actively employing, developing, and promoting personnel who can play a leading role in global situations.

The graph below shows the trends in the number of employees.

Employment data
March 31,2020. Japan 2,612 Overseas 2,891 Total 5,503 March 31,2021. Japan 2,703 Overseas 3,053 Total 5,756 March 31,2022. Japan 2,724 Overseas 3,740 Total 6,464 March 31,2023. Japan 2,783 Overseas 4,334 Total 7,117 March 31,2024. Japan 2,819 Overseas 4,539 Total 7,358

Number of employees by region

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Percentage of
Percentage by
Japan Japan 2,220 504 2,724 2,256 527 2,783 2,289 530 2,819 18.8% 38.3%
Overseas Asia 959 321 1,280 1,088 372 1,460 1,105 379 1,484 25.5% 20.2%
Europe 763 157 920 903 202 1,105 955 220 1,175 18.7% 16.0%
North America 1,178 362 1,540 1,363 406 1,769 1,402 478 1,880 25.4% 25.6%
Overseas total 2,900 840 3,740 3,354 980 4,334 3,462 1077 4,539 23.7% 61.7%
Total 5,120 1,344 6,464 5,610 1,507 7,117 5,751 1,607 7,358 21.8%
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group

Number of managers by region

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Percentage
Number of
rate of
Japan Japan 465 18 483 465 20 485 472 20 492 4.1% 37.4% 491 99.8%
Overseas Asia 225 45 270 237 45 282 233 49 282 17.4% 21.5% 273 96.8%
Europe 214 23 237 223 25 248 239 25 264 9.5% 20.1% 261 98.9%
North America 246 36 282 251 27 278 247 29 276 10.5% 21.0% 268 97.1%
Overseas total 685 104 789 711 97 808 719 103 822 12.5% 62.6% 802 97.6%
Total 1,150 122 1,272 1,176 117 1,293 1,191 123 1,314 9.4% 1,293 98.4%
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group
  • *
    Definition of managers: Level 7 or higher in the 10-level qualification system. In this 10-level qualification system, Job Levels 1 to 6 are applied to general employees and Job Levels 7 to 10 to managers.

Number of employees by type

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Full-time employees 4,739 1,202 5,941 5,194 1,350 6,544 5,326 1,440 6,766
Non-full-time employees 381 142 523 416 157 573 425 167 592
Total 5,120 1,344 6,464 5,610 1,507 7,117 5,751 1,607 7,358
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group

Number of employees by age

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Age -29 627 215 842 884 262 1,146 913 256 1,169
Age 30-39 969 291 1,260 1,088 338 1,426 1,153 380 1,533
Age 40-49 1,328 356 1,684 1,325 382 1,707 1,283 419 1,702
Age 50-59 1,519 289 1,808 1,581 317 1,898 1,681 331 2,012
Age 60- 296 51 347 316 51 367 296 54 350
Total 4,739 1,202 5,941 5,194 1,350 6,544 5,326 1,440 6,766
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group (full-time employees only)

Number of new employees

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Percentage of
Percentage by
Japan Japan 49 18 67 70 23 93 85 12 97 12.4% 11.4%
Overseas Asia 147 45 192 209 60 269 95 27 122 22.1% 14.4%
Europe 67 12 79 188 46 234 99 25 124 20.2% 14.6%
North America 563 181 744 421 133 554 318 188 506 37.2% 59.6%
Overseas total 777 238 1,015 818 239 1,057 512 240 752 31.9% 88.6%
Total 826 256 1,082 888 262 1,150 597 252 849 29.7%
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group (full-time employees only)

Employee turnover

Can be swiped left or right.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Percentage of
Percentage by
Japan Japan 21 4 25 25 5 30 22 4 26 15.4% 4.8%
Overseas Asia 89 15 104 74 8 82 65 12 77 15.6% 14.1%
Europe 17 6 23 30 3 33 32 7 39 17.9% 7.2%
North America 144 48 192 247 78 325 284 119 403 29.5% 73.9%
Overseas total 250 69 319 351 89 440 381 138 519 26.6% 95.2%
Total 271 73 344 376 94 470 403 142 545 26.1%
Turnover rate 6.39% 7.16% 6.54% 7.93% 7.82% 7.91% 7.76% 10.52% 8.33%
  • *
    Boundary of data: Advantest Group (full-time employees only)
  • *
    From December 2019, the method of aggregating the number of employee turnover has been changed from including month-end employee turnover in the number of employee turnover on that month to including them on the next month.

Efforts to Promote Diversity

Active participation of each employee is crucial for a company's sustainable growth. Thus, Advantest has "INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY" as one of its core values. We believe that creating a comfortable and inclusive workplace environment and instilling working practices that maximizes employee capabilities while balancing work and home is imperative to a company. Under this philosophy, Advantest actively works to create a workplace and corporate culture that allows each employee to maximize their capabilities and individuality, and continue to work with great enthusiasm.

Employment and Utilization of Global Human Resources

Advantest has consistently strived for success and growth by attempting to leverage our talented human capital on a global basis. One of the most notable examples of this is the integration of Verigy, acquired in 2011. This integration resulted in a major change in our workforce composition, with nearly half of our employees located overseas at that time. Today, this trend is even stronger, with approximately 60% of our workforce now located in our overseas bases. In the recent years, in order to further expand its business globally, Advantest has been recruiting personnel who have deep cross-cultural understanding and communication skills and can work in a global arena.

For instance, Advantest will continue personnel exchange among group companies so that employees can experience working in a global environment, and share their skills and know-how through routine work and training in each organization so that individual employees can acquire more advanced skills, including skills to adapt to various business environments.

In order to make personnel exchange easier, Advantest has been globally implementing the "Global Transfer Policy," a system that offers fair treatment and enables personnel exchange on a global level, regardless of job type.

In addition, as competition for human resources intensifies on a global scale, we are striving to retain excellent human resources by expanding the scope of stock compensation and grant.

As of July 2023, 13 out of 25 executive officers, who are management personnel, have foreign nationalities, and employees from 10 countries are currently working for Advantest Corporation. Advantest will give fair opportunities to talented personnel, regardless of their nationality, and promote global personnel development and organizational globalization through borderless personnel recruitment and exchange.

Support for Diverse Workstyles Through a Second Job System

Advantest acknowledges diverse workstyles for the sake of our employees' diverse lifestyles and individual growth. As part of this effort, in November 2022, we established rules for second jobs for all employees with the aim of improving employee skills and acquiring and retaining a wide variety of talents.

Advantest has a diverse group of employees with special skills. We believe that second jobs not only provide employees with opportunities to improve and develop their skills, but also help to create innovation within the company by giving the company a grip on these talented skills.

On the other hand, second jobs naturally come with risks. For this reason, along with requiring employees to obtain approval to engage in second jobs, the company also requires that both the employee and his/her supervisor read the manual thoroughly and take an e-learning course to guarantee that they fully understand the precautions before starting a second job.

While due consideration is to be paid to the risks involved, second jobs are attractive not only to employees but also to the company itself as a way to develop and improve employees' skills and produce innovation within the company. We will endeavor to make the system meaningful while developing rules in response to the changes over time.

Promotion of Women's Participation in the Workplace

Advantest always accepts diverse values and is promoting the creation of a corporate culture where everyone can work regardless of race, gender, age, and nationality.

As of March 2023, the percentage of female employees to total employees is 21.2% (20.8% in the previous fiscal year), and the percentage of female managers to total managers is 9.0% (9.6% in the previous fiscal year). For Advantest Corporation (non-consolidated), the percentage of female employees is 16.1% (16.5% in the previous fiscal year), and the percentage of female managers is 3.6% (3.4% in the previous fiscal year). Although many indices show improvement over the previous fiscal year, increasing the number of female employees and managers still remains an urgent task.

Advantest has been recruiting students with a technical background, which has not motivated female students to take entrance exams for Advantest in recruitment activities. In light of these circumstances, Advantest has been strengthening public relations activities for women with a focus on conveying the attraction of Advantest to female students, particularly those with a technical background. Information on active female employees in the workforce has been disseminated through corporate websites and recruitment brochures, and at recruitment events, Advantest has explained about programs and career plans for women and introduced how our female employees are working at Advantest.

In fiscal 2021, Advantest participated in a roundtable discussion titled "Listening to Young Employees in the Semiconductor Industry”, a joint project between SEMICON JAPAN and the manufacturing YouTuber “Monozukuri Taro” and asked one of our female technical employees to share her experiences working at Advantest. This video of a female employee freely offering her opinions on the content of her work creates an opportunity, especially for young people, especially women, to take an interest in the semiconductor device materials industry, including Advantest.

From FY2018, Advantest Corporation (non-consolidated) has set numerical targets to boost the ratio of women in management positions to meet or exceed the industry average based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, and has been making efforts toward this goal. In November 2020, we acquired "Certification level 2 (two stars)" of the ‘Eruboshi’ certification based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. We give consideration to the various changes in female employees’ life stages, with a focus on providing support to enable good work-life balance through flexible working styles that correspond to each individual’s circumstances.

Advantest will move forward with initiatives to raise the female employee ratio and establish systems for long-term employment toward increasing the ratio of female employees in management positions.

Active Utilization of Senior Employees (Japan)

Following the amendments to the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons in April 2013 and the increase in the minimum age for pension eligibility by the government, Advantest has revised its re-employment program for utilizing employees who retire at the age of 60. Advantest is actively utilizing the skills and know-how of experienced employees by employing senior personnel steadily and treating and assigning them to jobs with consideration towards their past experience and assigned positions during their working years. In addition, Advantest has established a system to reflect each individual's achievements in their wages to motivate senior personnel and expect them to produce results that match their wages. Furthermore, in FY2018, Advantest introduced a system where employees are allowed to reduce their working hours or days as desired and have a second job on non-working days.

In FY2022, of the 44 individuals who started with our re-employment program, one employee is working shorter hours and five are working shorter days. Advantest believes that this system will allow senior personnel to work more flexibly according to their lifestyles, contributing to further enhancing work-life balance.


At Advantest, a senior employee with many years of experience in the Production Unit has begun holding a training course for employees at the Gunma Factory titled "What is a Tester?" since June 2022. When asked of his motives for developing this course, he mentioned that products are increasingly difficult to understand as they have evolved in complexity, and the psychological burden on employees has been swelling due to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic as well as by the challenges faced in parts procurement with production volume increasing rapidly. The senior employee planned the event hoping that by learning about testers, it would teach people the relationship between their own work and products, as well as between products and society as a whole, and ultimately, everyone could find their work rewarding.

The training course is held in small groups, and the style of explanation is based on the level of understanding of the participants, making it an interactive learning experience for both the participants and the organizers. 47 sessions were held by April 2023, with 237 participants, more than half of the Production Unit employees.

With each session, the program has evolved to make it easier for employees to understand the relationship between their work and the products and how products are beneficial in society. We, too, feel that this has led to improved employee engagement.

From FY2023, employees who have shared their understanding of this activity through the internal newsletter have begun developing their own "What is a Tester?" courses for each of their tasks in and out of Japan.

Trends in the number of employees who use the re-employment program
*Boundary of data: Advantest Corporation (non-consolidated)
Advantest is tallying the number of employees who have started using the re-employment program.
(These numbers do not include those who have been using the program since the previous year.)
Fiscal year 2018 33 Fiscal year 2019 54 Fiscal year 2020 60 Fiscal year 2021 74 Fiscal year 2022 44

Employment of the Disabled

In order to promote the employment of the disabled, Advantest established a special subsidiary company, Advantest Green Corporation, in September 2004. Since its establishment, this company has been working to promote stable employment of the disabled under the slogan of "Independence of individuals and growth of society."

Its core business includes landscaping, cleaning, front gate reception work, delivery, baking and sale of bread, and recycling promotion. Advantest Green is providing workplaces where its employees can work comfortably, and is also actively collaborating with local communities and relevant organizations to develop workplaces where disabled and non-disabled people can work together.

Currently, 13 highly motivated disabled employees are working at overseas affiliated companies.

As of March 2023, Advantest’s employment rate of the disabled is 2.91%, which exceeds the mandatory employment rate. However, Advantest will continue to actively promote the employment of the disabled to address future amendments to the mandatory employment rate.

Efforts to Explore New Occupational Fields

Advantest promotes initiatives such as standardization of work procedures and work visualization to create a work environment in which employees with disabilities will be able to work to their full potential, and also refer our workplace as one in which people with various disabilities can actively participate to outlets such as special-needs schools. We also actively accept training and visitation requests for employment as well as consider new job categories and more.

Advantest introduced a paper-making machine, which produces new paper from used paper such as rejected documents, in order to launch a business that manufactures and provides items such as copy paper, business cards, and calendars made from recycled paper. We continue to support initiatives that promote employment and contribute to environmental improvement.

For more information on recycling using paper machines, please refer to "Recycling Resources"on the Environment page.

Efforts to Enhance Job Fulfillment

We also foster a culture of mutual respect and recognition by actively implementing initiatives through a goal or commendation system to enhance their motivation, such as "meaningfulness" and "job fulfillment," and established a "Monthly MVP" award system that involves evaluation and praise by others.

Additionally, Advantest assigns qualified staff including job coaches, counselors for the disabled, and career consultants at each workplace, along with conducting regular four-way meetings with support organizations, the company, and family members for early detection and information sharing on issues, in order to offer workplace support catered to the characteristics of employee disabilities.

In FY2021, these initiatives and the many efforts made by our employees over the years were recognized by Saitama Prefecture, and two Advantest Green employees received the President's Award from the Saitama Prefecture Employment Development Association as excellent workers with disabilities.

Trends in the percentage of disabled employees
* Boundary of data: Advantest Corporation (non-consolidated) + Advanfacilities Co., Ltd. + Advantest Green Corporation
Fiscal year 2018Japanese Private Sector Average 2.05% Mandatory employee rate 2.2% Advantest Group People with disablities as percentage of all employees 2.48% Fiscal year 2019Japanese Private Sector Average 2.11% Mandatory employee rate 2.2% Advantest Group People with disablities as percentage of all employees 2.66% Fiscal year 2020Japanese Private Sector Average 2.15% Mandatory employee rate 2.2% Advantest Group People with disablities as percentage of all employees 2.79% Fiscal year 2021Japanese Private Sector Average 2.20% Mandatory employee rate 2.3% Advantest Group People with disablities as percentage of all employees 2.83% Fiscal year 2022Japanese Private Sector Average 2.25% Mandatory employee rate 2.3% Advantest Group People with disablities as percentage of all employees 2.91%

Human Rights Policy

Basic Stance

Advantest established the Advantest Group Human Rights Policy in July 2021. The policy expresses respect for human and environmental rights as stated in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

To ensure that human rights are respected throughout the value chain, we also emphasize engagement with our stakeholders. The description of our human rights policy is reflected in our Procurement Policy and Advantest CSR Procurement Guidebook, upon request that our procurement partners as well as the Group itself take into consideration of stakeholders whose availability may affect human rights through our business.

Advantest Group Human Rights Policy

The Advantest Group contributes to humanity's safe, secure and comfortable existence by "Enabling Leading-edge Technologies." We recognize that the human rights of all the people we touch must be protected in our global business activities. This is stipulated in "The Advantest Way," the Advantest Group's code of ethics, and this Advantest Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter "this policy") expresses the Advantest Group's responsibility to respect human rights, based on "The Advantest Way."

  1. (1)
    Respect for international norms
    We support and respect international human rights standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the International Code of Human Rights, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We promote respect for human rights based on the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  2. (2)
    Responsibility to respect human rights
    We will implement appropriate measures to prevent / mitigate any negative impacts on human rights from our business activities, or implement remedies should it become clear that we have contributed to negative impacts. We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.
  3. (3)
    Scope of application
    This policy applies to Advantest Group officers and all employees (including full-time employees, contract employees, and dispatched employees). In addition, if a negative impact on human rights caused by a supplier, employees of an outsourcing partner, other business partners, or related parties, is directly linked to the business activities of the Advantest Group, we will take measures to prevent infringement of human rights based on dialogue and consultation with the other party.
  4. (4)
    Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
    The Advantest Group complies with the laws and regulations of the countries or regions in which we operate. In countries and regions where there are discrepancies between laws and international norms, we consider local laws and regulations insofar as possible. We promote efforts to respect international norms regarding human rights.
  5. (5)
    Human rights due diligence
    We will continue to build and implement due diligence mechanisms for human rights to address any apparent or potential negative impact of our business activities on human rights.
  6. (6)
    We continuously promote appropriate education to raise awareness of human rights among officers and all employees so that this policy and our human rights due diligence are understood and effectively implemented throughout our business activities.
  7. (7)
    Disclosure of information
    We report on the status of our human rights activities and impact on our corporate website and in our Integrated Annual Report, based on this policy.
  8. (8)
    Dialogue / discussion
    We will appropriately implement top-priority issues related to human rights as the separately defined "Advantest Group Priority Issues Related to Human Rights," based on this policy. We understand that these priority issues need to be reviewed as appropriate to reflect changes in social and business trends.

July 1, 2021

Efforts in the Workplace

Focused around the Corporate Ethics Office and the Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee, Advantest strives to promote and set policies on human rights issues and deal with complaints about discriminatory treatment.
We share the Advantest Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidebook with our suppliers, and endeavor to ensure that they are fully aware of the need to respect human rights (including the prohibition on forced labor, child labor, and discrimination).

Creating a Workplace that Respects Human Rights

Advantest believes considerations to human rights are a vital element in expanding businesses globally. We support international standards related to human rights such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights while complying with the laws and regulations in each country and region.
In addition, we have signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a global sustainability initiative, and participated in Global Compact Network Japan, a local network in Japan. We support the "Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact," which are universal principles covering human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption that companies should abide by, and promote efforts in each of these fields.
The Advantest Way incorporates a pledge that we will respect human rights without discriminating on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, religion, social origin, physical disabilities, disease, sexual orientation or any other factors. We have established a manual for human rights and discrimination and prevention guidelines for harassment as well as promoted the protection and respect for human rights.

In FY2013, we launched an e-learning program on the Advantest Way for all Group employees. In FY2023, this training was completed by all employees in the Advantest Group, both in Japan and overseas.

Freedom of Association and Labor-Management Dialogue

Advantest respects the basic human rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining. In countries and regions permitting the formation of labor unions, Advantest recognizes the right of a union to organize, the right for collective bargaining and the right to hold strikes through labor agreements. Even in countries and regions which do not permit the formation of unions due to laws and regulations or labor practices, we strive to build sound relationships and solve problems through dialogs between labor and management with the goal of fostering freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Organizations include the Advantest Labor Union at Advantest and its domestic subsidiaries. In FY2023, 80.2% of employees are members of labor unions at Advantest. All unions engage in discussions on labor and management.

Furthermore, safety, health, and settlement of grievances are described in the labor agreement with the Advantest Labor Union, and both sides cooperate to respond to issues such as Health and Safety Committee operations, human rights issues, and personnel grievance settlements at each business base.

Reporting and Consultation Framework (Whistleblower Office) for Human Rights Issues

Advantest has set up a common global Corporate Ethics Helpline to address human rights issues and concerns that are not readily resolvable in the workplace, designed so that those facing such issues can report to and consult with our Corporate Ethics Office. We have adopted a system that allows anonymous report and consultation, which are accepted in 16 languages. Posters with QR codes have also been posted at each business location for reporting and consultation via mobile devices like smartphones. Reports and consultations are overseen mainly by the Corporate Ethics Office, and every precaution is taken to prevent those employees seeking help from suffering any disadvantage or retribution. Additionally, we have established the EthicsPoint, an external law firm (lawyer) as a contact point, in order to make it easier for our employees to consult with or report to the helpline. The helplines and contact point can also be used from overseas, and links are available on the Global Intranet page.

Moreover, in Japan, we have established a Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee together with the labor union to oversee consultations about domestic human rights issues. There is three harassment-related consultations received by the Helpline and Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee in FY2023. The Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee properly responds to all incidents to seek a rapid resolution while giving due consideration to the privacy of the employees concerned.

Through this activity, Advantest aims to foster a workplace environment in which employees can work with peace of mind while respecting each other's human rights.

Efforts Within Japan

The Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee responds to consultations and complaints received in a flexible manner which cause no disadvantage to the consultants, while taking into consideration the consultants' intentions and the contents of the hearing.

When the Human Rights Protection and Personnel Mediation Committee receives a consultation or complaint from the person concerned (or from the head of the department or a third party), a primary contact person is selected from among the committee members according to the content of the hearing. The committee members and the labor union then conduct hearings with the "person concerned (victim)," the "other party (perpetrator)," and the "bystanders". The following actions are taken depending on the factual situation.

Can be swiped left or right.
If the facts are confirmed After reviewing the company's response, the following actions are taken:
  • Measures in terms of employment management (personnel relocation, recovery of damage, mental care, support for improving the relationship between the parties involved, etc.)
  • Explanation to the person concerned
  • Disciplinary action against the perpetrator in accordance with employment regulations
  • Improvement of the workplace environment and implementation of recurrence prevention measures
If the facts are NOT confirmed
  • Review of the workplace environment and thorough implementation of prevention measures
  • Explanation to the person concerned
  • Support for improving the relationship between the parties involved
The Information Desk (Human Rights Protection and Personnel Complaint Handling Committee) receives consultations and complaints from the individual,supervisor or third parties. Information Desk confirm facts regarding consultations and complaints received by hearing with the person, hearing with the other party, hearing with other relevant parties. If the facts are confirmed, Advantest will consider its response. Specifically, employment management measures such as personnel reshuffling, recovery from disadvantages, mental care, and support for improving relations between the parties concerned, explanations to the counselor, punishment of the offender based on the work rules, improvement of the work environment, and thorough implementation of measures to prevent recurrence. If the facts cannot be confirmed, reform the work environment, thoroughly implement preventive measures, provide explanations to the individuals, and support the improvement of the relationship between the parties concerned.

Harassment Prevention

In July 1999, Advantest created a manual to prevent harassment, and has since made efforts to prevent all forms of harassment. This manual has been revised and expanded following amendments to laws and regulations to include pregnancy, childbirth, and parental leave. The manual is published on the intranet to offer easy access to employees.

The key points are as follows.

  1. 1.
    Recent harassment trends
  2. 2.
    Sexual harassment in the workplace
  3. 3.
    Workplace bullying in the workplace
  4. 4.
    Workplace pregnancy, childbirth and parental leave harassment
  5. 5.
    Impact of harassment
  6. 6.
    Harassment from a legal and regulatory perspective
  7. 7.
    Harassment prevention measures
  8. 8.
    Dealing with harassment

We are working to devise methods for self-checking that can be conducted in response to the issues above.

To boost employee understanding of harassment prevention, every year starting from April 2006, training for new employees and new managers has incorporated training on harassment prevention as well as human rights education. Furthermore, training on the topic of harassment was conducted for all management personnel from FY2019 to FY2020.

Fair Evaluation and Treatment

Performance assessments and career development are conducted under a common global system. Goals are set at the beginning of the fiscal year, communication with superiors is conducted as necessary during the year, and an evaluation interview is conducted at the end of the fiscal year. This interview is conducted not only for full-time employees but also for some contract and temporary employees.

In terms of compensation, we are not only committed to fairness, but also to the retention of the best talent who will ensure our future growth.

Advantest Resource Management System (ARMS)

With overseas sales ratio of over 90%, and more than 60% of our employees located in overseas affiliated companies, this allows Advantest to grow as a global company. Given this structure, we introduced the Advantest Resource Management System (ARMS), a unified human resources system, in April 2012. ARMS promotes cooperation among multiple bases around the world, as well as smooth personnel exchanges and transfers.

Global human resource system

It consists of 6 elements centered on the Global Job Lever Framework, which adopts a 10 level qualification system common to the world. Organization Job Design. Facilitates global organization and deployment Recruiting. We bring the best people from around the world. Global Bonus Policy. Set the same policies and goals globally Career Development. Making career development easier by sharing job requirements Performance Review. Globally unified qualification and evaluation systems ensure fairness and trust Compensation and Reward. The association between qualification and reward was unified globally.

Under ARMS, the unique job classification systems decided on by Group companies in each country have been replaced by a new 10-level job system that is common to all. In this system, job levels 1 to 6 are for general employees, while levels 7 to 10 are for management positions. There are two management paths in this system: one for "people managers," who manage budgets and deal with staff merit and labor issues, and one for "functional managers," who tend to business and ensure that operations are carried out properly. Line managers with subordinates are assigned to the first path, and all other specialists are assigned to the second. With these two lines for advancement, we ensure that our diverse personnel have opportunities to develop as managers.

We also apply common global rules to our pay scale, including basic pay and bonuses. Previously, for example, bonus payments in each country mainly reflected the performance of Advantest's subsidiary or affiliate in that country, but under the new system, bonus payments reflect the Company's consolidated earnings. Starting in fiscal 2012, we have applied a new system of evaluating employee performance. No matter where Advantest employees work, they can now be evaluated and rewarded according to the new common global system, with every employee receiving an evaluation/cultivation interview at least once a year.

Since the introduction of our global human resources system, during which efforts have been made to increase the number of employees seconded from Japan to overseas postings and the number of personnel exchanges with overseas affiliates; this system has contributed to invigorating the organization and improving corporate performance.

Global job level and title

Job Level 1 Entry Job Level 2 Career Job Level 3 Associate Job Level 4 Developing Job Level 5 Senior Job Level 6 Expert Job Level 7 and higher divides into People Manager and Functional Manager. Peple Manager as Senior Manager, Functional Manager as Senior Consulting Manager Job Level 8 Peple Manager as Director,  Functional Manager as Consulting Director Job Level 9 Peple Manager as Senior Director,  Functional Manager as Principal Job Level 10 Peple Manager as VP(or SVP),  Functional Manager as Fellow

Meanwhile, the new human resources framework offers labor management flexibility in setting up working hours, telecommuting arrangements and other job specifics, so that managers can more aptly address such matters directly in accordance with the laws and regulations of their respective nations and in line with local employment practices.

Starting from fiscal 2014, we have established a global personnel database, which is effectively utilized for project team composition and smooth personnel changes on a global scale. Beginning in fiscal 2015, we began using a new global personnel evaluation system to replace the existing personnel evaluations. In the future, we will be setting up human resource development schemes with a worldwide reach, promoting employee diversity through active efforts to hire and promote employees with different backgrounds, and taking decisive steps toward forging an employee recruitment strategy that is in accordance with the business strategies of our operations in diverse countries.

In the spirit of establishing ourselves as a truly global company going forward, Advantest will continue to work hard to create a professional business environment where every member of a diverse Advantest Group workforce can make the most of his or her individual capabilities.

Reflection of the core values in the evaluation system

Since the launch of the INTEGRITY Core Values in 2019, we dedicated a section of the evaluation sheet in the personnel evaluation system to the core values, providing an opportunity to reflect on our actions during the term.

Specifically, the nine values of INTEGRITY (Innovation, Number One, Trust, Empowerment, Global, Respect, Inclusion & Diversity, Teamwork, and Yes) are used as the behavioral evaluation items on the evaluation sheet, where employees describe their own actions for each of the items on the sheet. Employees are encouraged to discuss with their supervisors during the evaluation interview, and their supervisors provide feedback with comments after the interview.

It is crucial for us to not only understand our core values in words through trainings or other means, but also act for it by linking these values to our own actions. Reflecting on them during the evaluation process will ultimately encourage changes in each employee, which help realize an organization that can flexibly address various issues.

Advantest Introduces New Managerial Candidate Training & Manager Assignment System (ATJ)

Advantest launched MP-1 (Management Program 1), a new managerial candidate training and manager assignment system. To date, promotion to managerial positions has been conducted through executive interviews based on the recommendation of the executive vice president, but the rising average age of new managers and the difficulty of early promotion have been challenges. In addition, the training opportunities for employees aspiring to managerial positions were not sufficient, which called for an urgent need to develop global human resources. We will therefore provide capable employees, regardless of age or gender, with opportunities to take on greater responsibilities, self-direct their careers, and become active and productive managers, contributing to Advantest's sustainable growth.

  • Based on show of hands/application system
    Participants are selected upon application, not on recommendations.
  • Diverse training menu
    MP-1 graduates are those who have successfully completed and passed all 12 units of the training program, including leadership, management, coaching, language, composition, group training, and executive interviews.
  • Completion of MP-1 as a condition for promotion to managerial positions
    After the transition period, new managers must have completed the MP-1 to be promoted to managerial positions, which may be filled through internal open requisition or personnel transfers when suitable positions become available.
  • Potential for young employees to be promoted to managerial positions
    New graduate employees can apply to MP-1 from their fourth year with the company, meaning that managerial positions are now open to employees in their 20s.

Incentives and Retention

Since 2002, Advantest has introduced stock options as stock compensation for directors and executive officers, as well as domestic and international executives and employees. While ensuring the functionality of the stock compensation system as an incentive and/or as a retention measure, we established a framework that allows employees to own shares in the Company globally in conjunction with the formulation of the 2nd Mid-Term Management Plan for FY2021, having undergone several transitions.

Competition for talent is intensifying in many countries than ever before. In order to secure world-class engineers, we have expanded the scope of compensation grants and introduced Retention RSUs as stock compensation with a three-to-five-year transfer restriction period. We are continuing to review the scope and scale of our retention compensation.

In addition to appropriate guidelines for payroll and creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace in the spirit of our INTEGRITY core values, we believe that such incentive and/or retention measures will also help improve employee turnover.

Evolution of our Stock Compensation Program

Advantest introduced stock options for directors and senior management from fiscal 2002 to 2017 From fiscal 2018 to 2020, the first medium-term management plan period, we changed to performance-linked stock-based compensation used in the stock-granting trust for senior management employees and certain directors. From fiscal 2021, the period of the Second Medium-Term Management Plan, we introduced Performance Share Units (PSU) for certain senior officers. We also introduced Restricted Stock Compensation (RS) for directors and senior management employees in Japan and Restricted Stock Units (RSU) for overseas directors and senior management employees. In fiscal 2022, we expanded the scope of RSU to include key engineers overseas.

Pension system

Domestically, Advantest has introduced a point system to determine retirement benefits. In addition, Advantest has introduced a fund-type defined benefit corporate pension system as part of the retirement benefit system, where the retirement benefit can be received as pension under certain conditions.
In fiscal 2018, Advantest incorporated a defined contribution corporate pension system as part of its defined benefit corporate pension system and started the defined contribution corporate pension system in addition to the point-based retirement benefit system.
As a result, retirement benefits will be divided into a retirement lump sum paid by the Company, the benefit from the fund which can be paid out as pension according to the years of service and the defined contribution.
