2024年度入社式 Lefever Group CEO挨拶「Facing the future together」

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I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you.
Your arrival marks a new beginning for us, and we are thrilled to have you join our ranks as we continue to push the boundaries of technology.

Advantest, since its establishment in Tokyo in 1954, has been a pioneer in the development of automatic test and measurement equipment for semiconductors. Our cutting-edge systems and products are essential to the most advanced semiconductor production lines worldwide, serving applications such as 5G communications, autonomous vehicles, high-performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and beyond.

Our journey has been filled with challenges, but through our collective efforts and unwavering commitment to innovation, we have been able to achieve remarkable successes. And now, as we embark on our new phase of growth, we are excited to welcome you into this dynamic and inspiring environment.

I joined Advantest almost 26 years ago soon after graduating from my university, and I still remember my first day at the company, when I was just as confident about the future and curious about the company as you are. You should know that you were the first new employees I am welcoming as Group CEO of Advantest. So, that makes you a very special group to me. I was just promoted to Group CEO of Advantest in April 2024, so today, I am just as excited as you are about the future, a future of endless possibilities. Advantest offers opportunities to everyone who aspires. We, the management team of Advantest, have drawn our Grand Design which is our company’s vision, and I ask you to work with me to fulfill it.

Your presence here represents a fresh perspective and new ideas that will further enrich our company culture and drive our continued success. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity, and we look forward to leveraging your unique talents and perspectives to take Advantest to new heights.

As you settle into your new roles, I encourage you to explore the opportunities that lie ahead, engage with your colleagues, and embrace the challenges that come your way. Remember, every employee at Advantest plays a crucial role in our mission to provide leading-edge test and measurement solutions to the global semiconductor industry.

Finally, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for choosing Advantest as your new home. Together, we can embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, face the challenges head-on, and create a brighter future for Advantest and the semiconductor industry at large.

Welcome to the Advantest family.
I look forward to working with you and witnessing our collective growth and success.





私がアドバンテストに入社したのは約26年前、大学を卒業してすぐのことでした。今の皆さんと同じように、将来への自信と会社への好奇心を抱いていた入社初日のことを今でも覚えています。皆さんは、私がGroup CEOとして迎える最初の新入社員です。ですから、皆さんは私にとって特別な存在です。私は2024年4月にGroup CEOに就任したばかりなので、私も皆さんと同じように、無限の可能性を秘めた未来にワクワクしています。アドバンテストは、志を高く持つ社員にどんどんチャンスを与える環境です。私たちアドバンテストの経営陣は、会社のビジョンであるグランドデザインを策定しました。皆さんも一丸となり、グランドデザインの実現に取り組んでくれることを期待しています。

皆さんは、アドバンテストの社風をさらに豊かにし、継続的な成功の原動力となる新鮮な視点をもたらしてくれるフレッシュな人材です。私たちはDiversity and Inclusionの力を信じています。皆さんがユニークな才能や考え方を活かして、アドバンテストを新たな高みへと導いてくれることを期待しています。






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